Our Locations

Girl in a jacket

Potentiam's offices are located around the World

Our head office is located in London (UK) and we have 3 locations of Potentiam offices were staff can be hired. Depending on the role required the best and most costs effective solution will be different locations. For example technology is by far the most cost effective in India, qualified accountants in South Africa and medium complexity upwards administration Romania. As a part of the service we will advise and guide on costs, location and availability that is correct for you and your circumstances.

Head office- London (UK)
2 Kingdom Street
W2 6BD

Off-Shore Locations:

  • Romania(Iasi)
  • South Africa (Cape Town)
  • India (Mumbia)

To find out how ‘Smart Resourcing’ might work for you contact us via e-mail or phone. A short discussion will quickly let you know what is possible.